At the age of fifteen, at Marcus Hill Baptist Church, Enola, Arkansas, Joe Finn trusted the Lord Jesus Christ to be his Savior.  After graduating from Quitman High School and the University of Arkansas, he began a career of livestock market reporting for the United States Department of Agriculture.  Three years later, he surrendered to God’s call to go into the ministry.  In 1978, Dr. Jim Vineyard asked him to come to Oklahoma and attend Oklahoma Baptist College and teach in Windsor Hills Baptist Schools.  He taught WHBC classes for three years, while taking night classes at OBC.  Since 1981, he has been a professor at Oklahoma Baptist College, and is currently the Executive Vice-President of the same.  For over 30 years, during the church’s fall Sunday School program, Bro. Finn has coordinated big days such as our annual Law and Order Sunday and Veteran’s Sunday. Currently, he serves as an Associate Pastor, Sunday School Teacher, and Principal of Higher Plain Christian Academy.